Illustrator / Artist
東京出身在住 桑沢デザイン研究所VD科卒業
      I draw happy, airy and slightly pop artworks under the theme of “She is good at being happy and her surroundings”.
Graduated from Kuwasawa Design School, VD Department.
Loves cats, clothes, ice cream, and meat. 
7月 グループ展「Traveler#2」at MOUNT tokyo (駒沢大学)
9月 個展「kyun」at CLOUDS Gallery + Coffee (高円寺)
2月 企画展「かわいい展」at Gallery AGITO (千歳船橋)
6月 グループ展「Cat & Dog#7」at MOUNT tokyo (駒沢大学)
2月 企画展「POP」at Gallery Conceal Shibuya (渋谷)
11月 個展「福福」at newstaa gallery (大阪)
12月 個展「Forever Summer」at Toumei Shoten (蔵前)
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